PCHP is transitioning Behavioral Health services from Carelon effective Sept. 1, 2025. Providers must contract and credential directly with PCHP to continue as a participating Behavioral Health provider. Click here for more information.
You will experience many changes throughout the nine months of your pregnancy. Regular exercise will help you to feel your best during all three trimesters.…
Mindfulness is free of charge and you can practice wherever you are. Best of all, the exercises can lead to lower stress and better health. …
Have a safe and happy summer. Move your body! It’s essential to good health. As you plan your outdoor exercise, be sure to keep safety in mind. That way, you’ll prevent the accidents and injuries that can keep you from your favorite activities. …
If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, you should check your A1c level every three to six months. Most people with diabetes have a target A1c level of less than 7%. Some special groups like pregnant women or older adults may have a different goal based on what their doctor recommends.…
When families exercise together, they can develop healthy habits that last a lifetime. But exercise doesn’t have to be boring or feel like a chore! Here are a few ways to get in shape – and have fun doing it.…
It’s important to celebrate your successes often. Try out a few of the rewards mentioned. Keep yourself on track during the holidays—and into the new year. …
In the United States, 1 in 5 children and teens are affected by obesity, meaning they are above a healthy weight for their age and height. How can you help your kids develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime?…
How much activity is best? According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, children and teens should aim for an hour of exercise every day.…
When does screen time become unhealthy? When your child spends too many hours on their favorite devices. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), too much screen time may lead to:…
When you and your children are out in the high temperatures and bright skies of Texas, you have higher risk of illness and injury. …
Is someone in your family sneezing, wheezing, or coughing? It might be asthma, allergies—or both. Keep reading to learn ways to control symptoms and breathe easier, indoors and out. …
If your child or teenager is overweight, they could be at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. When a person has type 2 diabetes, their body does not use insulin well. …
If you want to help your children avoid heart disease when they grow up, read this blog. We give you tips on how to start them on the right track while they are still young.…
If you want to keep your heart, arteries, and veins as healthy as possible, there’s good news. You can take small steps every day to stay well and prevent disease.…
People with these mental illnesses and disorders can have a hard time falling or staying asleep. They also might sleep many more hours than other people.…
Summer’s almost here. It’s the perfect time to make some small changes in your daily routine to build better health habits. Small changes in diet and exercise are easy to start. Here are a few to consider.…
Whether you have just 10 minutes or an hour or more, it all adds up. Every little bit of movement helps to build a healthier body, whether you’re a child or an adult.…
Even though that change is positive, it can be stressful too—especially if you have the “spring blues.” Self-care is important, and knowing a few tips can help. They are simple, but they are not always easy to do.…
Do you want your family to be healthier in 2021? The good news is that every little bit helps. And building better health habits is easier than ever when you use health apps on your phone or computer.…
Exercise is important every season of the year. When we walk, dance, stretch, swim or exercise in other ways, we feel better in our minds as well as our bodies. This is true no matter how old you are.…
The cause of stress is different for everyone. For one person, it could be from trying to pay rent. For another, it could be a result of a health issue. No matter the reason, keeping the negative effects of stress in check is important for your overall health. …
What does Living Well mean? It’s more than just a healthy diet and exercise. It includes all aspects of life. Our goal with the Living Well blog is to share information and resources to the community…