Young love can be exciting and fun.
However, teenage relationships can also be heartbreaking—and even violent.
The good news is you can help your teenager to protect themselves from unhealthy dating relationships.
What is dating violence?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, dating violence can happen in many ways.
Just a few examples of teen dating violence are:
- Physical violence
- hitting
- punching
- shoving
- using weapons
- Sexual violence
- forcing a partner to take part in a sex act
- sexually touching a partner who does not consent
- sexually touching someone who is unable to consent, such as a person who is passed out
- posting or sharing sexual photos of someone without their consent
- Emotional violence
- using words or writing to harm a partner mentally or emotionally
- using words or threats to control a partner
- Stalking
- giving someone repeated, unwanted attention
- scaring someone with continuing calls, texts, emails, or in-person contact
- making the victim—or people close to the victim—worry about their safety
Warning signs of teen dating violence
The teen years are a time of change. During middle and high school, many teens try out new interests, looks, and friends.
Teen relationships can have dramatic highs and lows. However, as your teenager gets to know a new romantic partner, here are some warning signs to watch for:
- jealousy that seems excessive
- constant emails, texts, or calls
- spending less time on hobbies, sports, or schoolwork
- ignoring friends and family members
- bruises, scratches, cuts, or other injuries
- depression or anxiety
- drastic changes in clothes, makeup, or hairstyle
- abuse toward animals, children, or other people
How to support your teen
Teenagers can be very independent. Sometimes the best way to guide your child is to help them make their own decisions.
Here are some tips for talking to your teen about dating violence:
Listen patiently
Let your teen know their partner’s behavior is not their fault. If your child does not answer your questions about the relationship, let them talk to you when they are ready.
Believe your teen
If your teen tells you things you don’t want to hear, be supportive. Show that you believe them. Keep asking questions.
Show concern
Tell your teen that you are concerned for their safety. Let them know that they deserve to be treated with respect by romantic partners.
Criticize the behavior—not the person
Even if your child is in a harmful relationship, they may still have strong romantic feelings for their partner. Talk about the abusive behaviors, and try to not “trash talk” the person.
Keep learning about dating abuse
Parenting a teenager can be tough. Keep reading and learning so you can help your child to build healthy relationships—and avoid harmful ones.
Need help? Don’t wait. Call, text, or click today:
For parents:
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Chat live: text "START" to 88788
For teens:
Love is Respect hotline
Chat live: text LOVEIS to 22522
Dallas Domestic Violence Task Force
Dallas Independent School District resources