Your baby’s bath times may be some of your favorite moments of their first years. While you’re washing their skin and hair, you are also making time to bond with your new son or daughter.
There’s another important goal for bath time—safety.
Babies can drown in just a few inches of water. While drownings are rare, it is much more common for babies to suffer other types of injuries in the tub.
Are you ready to make bath time as risk-free as possible for your baby? Read through the safety tips below.
Start with a safe, sturdy bathtub.
You’ll find many sizes and types of bathtubs on the market for infants.
Some are “bucket style” for babies who can sit or be held in a sitting position. Others are slanted to offer extra support.
Choose a tub that is:
- the right size for your child’s height and weight.
- not missing any parts.
- not foldable or collapsible (folding tubs are not sturdy enough for a wriggling baby, and folding parts can close on tiny hands or feet).
- not inflatable (this design is also not sturdy enough for safety).
- not made with fabric or mesh slings attached (these can lead to injuries).
You can check this website to see if there are any recalls or safety warnings for infant bathtubs and other baby equipment.
Use the correct water temperature.
Newborn and infant skin is sensitive to burns. Make sure the bath water is warm, but no hotter than 120 degrees. Dip your elbow into the water to test it before placing your baby inside.
Keep the water level very low.
A little water goes a long way, and it’s safer for your baby. Use only a small amount of water in the tub—no more than two inches.
Keep supplies near the tub.
Before you begin the bath, make sure you have soap, shampoo, towels, and any other supplies near the tub. That way, you can keep at least one hand on your baby at all times.
Stay with your baby 100% of the time.
Bathtub accidents can happen in seconds. If you must leave the room for any reason, pick up your baby and take them with you.
Do not ask children to supervise the baby.
Babies near any type of water, from bathtubs to pools to ponds, must be supervised by adults at all times. The risk of drowning is too high, even when the water is one or two inches deep.
The best and safest is a sturdy tub sized to fit your child’s height and weight.
Remember to enjoy the moment.
Babies grow up fast. Make time to enjoy the routines of caring for your newborn and baby. Put these tips in place and bath time will be fun, special—and safe.
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