Pleasant Grove Food Pantry
Event Details
The Pleasant Grove Food Pantry (PGFP) is a non-profit organization that provides food and other necessities to qualified residents of Pleasant Grove and the surrounding areas.
If you and your family live in zip codes 75217, 75227, or 75253 AND your income is at or below TEXCAP guidelines you are eligible to receive support from our food pantry.
Pleasant Grove Food Pantry is a Client Choice pantry utilizing a Points System. At the beginning of each month households are awarded monthly points based on the number of individuals in the household. Those points are used by clients to ‘shop’ for food. This allows clients the dignity to select their own food from pantry shelves and learn how to budget.
Event Date
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Pleasant Grove Food Pantry
1331 Baywood St
Dallas, Texas 75217