What Is a Well-child Visit?
January 21, 2022
Babies and toddlers grow up fast. So do children and teens!
That’s why it’s important to schedule regular “well-child” visits with your family pediatrician.
During these appointments, parents can check up on their child’s health and make sure they’re growing and developing normally.
You should take your baby for their first well-child visit within five days after bringing them home from the hospital.
After that, most babies will have checkups at:
- 1 month
- 2 months
- 4 months
- 6 months
- 9 months
- 12 months
These well-child visits continue several times a year until age three, when they change to once a year.
In the video linked below, North Texas Pediatrician Dr. Mary Strength answers your questions about well-child visits, including:
- What happens during a well-child visit?
- What are the benefits of a well-child visit?
- How often should I schedule a well-child exam for my kids?
- What are some questions I should ask the pediatrician?
- How do I schedule a well-child visit for my child?
Learn more—watch Dr. Strength:
Do you need insurance for yourself and your children?
Texas STAR (Medicaid) and Texas CHIP provide healthcare for low-income families, children, and pregnant women at low or no-cost.
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