Have You Lost Coverage?

Did you lose your Medicaid or CHIP coverage recently?
Don't worry – it’s not too late to reapply.

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Why did you lose coverage?  

You may have lost coverage for one of the reasons below - check out this list to learn more about your possible next steps. 

Frequently Asked Questions

You must renew your Medicaid benefits every year to keep them. You may be at risk of losing coverages if you miss your renewal deadline, a step in the renewal process, or don't complete all parts of your application. 

Submitted a renewal application still lost coverage?

Call 2-1-1 or visit Your Texas Benefits to make sure you didn't miss a request for information. 

Other problems with your renewal?  

Call 2-1-1 for more help, or reapply at Your Texas Benefits.

See how to renew

Texas HHSC sends you information and reminders about your coverage through the mail. If HHSC doesn't have your current address on file, you may have missed some important notices. 

You can update your address by calling 2-1-1 or 1-877-541-7905

Your pregnancy benefits may have ended. Medicaid maternity plans cover you while you're pregnant and up to two months after your baby is born. Texas HHSC will let you know if you’re eligible for a Medicaid plan just for parents, or if they need more information from you. You may need to complete a new application to verify your eligibility. 

See how to apply

Your Medicaid eligibility is based on several factors, including your income. You may no longer qualify if you started a new job, got a raise, or worked more hours. 


These kinds of status changes could impact your ability to qualify. 

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Fill out your packet
and mail it back.

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Still Have Questions?

Documents Needed

You must provide all the information requested in the application. If you don’t, your coverage may be denied. Be sure to have these items ready when completing your application.

Texas birth certificate


Proof of your age (birth certificate or driver’s license) and citizenship.
Income Tax Return Form


Proof of all sources of income from the last 60 days (pay stubs or tax return, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, veteran’s benefits, retirement accounts, and any other income).
utility bill


Proof of you live in Texas (rent receipts or landlord statements, a copy of your mortgage, utility bill, recent mail addressed to you at your current address)
immigration card

Immigration Status

Resident card (I-551), arrival/departure form (I-94), or papers from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Texas CHIP logo


Texas STAR logo